Thursday, February 11, 2010
These are order from Ms Afiti. Sorry, I took this picture about 615 AM this morning before I off to work. At that time, I did not put the button yet. No time to edit (sorry for the blurr & darken view of the picture). I put the button in the car while my husband was driving this morning. I tried my best to get these bag done by this morning ( woke up before 5 actually) because I want to get it posted by today. Ms Afiti wants to give this bag to her mom and straight away send this to her mom. So, taking into account our long holiday, so I have to post it by today!! So, Ms Afiti, ( or I should say, CIKGU AFITI..ehe) thanks for shopping..nanti shopping lagi yer..

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salam sis,
Wow multitasking tu...mnjahit dlm kreta..seb baik xdrive smbil mnjahit..kehkehkeh..biasalah golongan perintis..multitasking..thnks alot,sis..
simple name CA je kak..haha..(cikgu Afiti)..wehee..
Akhirnya blh taruk brg2..kalau nk suh stdnt tlg amik bag ke..brg2 dlm bag ke kt bilik..sng skit sbb dh terpampang nama..haha..jgn stdnt sng nk mengebas suda..=)
taruk je nama CA...hahha
ehe..ji mcm kak jah, student dia kebas pencil case dia..tu yg dia pun nak order dgn kak tinie yg ada name..ehehe..kalau CF nak pun boleh.. CF (Cikgu Fauzi)..ehehe
patotnya fauzi kna blja ngn kak tini mnjahit..pasni xpasal-pasal bawak mesin jahit dlm bilik kaunseling..wakaka..
buat sesi ngn klien sambil mnjahit~Wow,pasti hebat..=)
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